Council of Elders

Jill Genet
National Co-ordinator
Meet Jill
With over 20 years experience in running women’s circles and qualifications in Counselling, Compassionate Communication, Red Tent Facilitation & Yoga Teaching her goal is to educate, awaken and enlighten women to their power, strength and natural gifts.
Her mission is to support women in opening and running Red Tents in every neighbourhood, all over Australia. The Red Tent movement is a worldwide one and is needed now more than ever as women awaken to their purpose and power. It is essential for the growth of our civilizsation that women always have a circle of support around them to grow and strengthen our culture and nurture the future.
In our society today there is no formal acknowledgement or recognition of the Feminine Divinity. It is still thought to be an “underground” or “alternative” movement, somewhat threatening to the mainstream.
Jill wants to break down the falsehoods & illusions that are too often found in our culture and bring healing into the light. She sees one way of doing this by training women in Non-Violent Communication/Compassionate Communication to experience the ripple effect on their families and humanity at large.
She trains women from all walks of life and age groups to lead Red Tents under the banner of Red Tent Australia, a Non-Profit Community Enterprise Movement that she began in 2013. Jill wants everyone to know that belonging to a community should not be about conforming or giving away your power. It should be about becoming a purposeful being who is able to encourage and nurture others while receiving support and compassion yourself.
Jill believes that competition is obsolete and the only way forward is collaboration. Red Tent Australia is built on the model of Sacred Commerce; where the number of others you help succeed measures your success.
Asking for help and being open to receiving it are the biggest lessons Jill hopes to impart on women, along with a deep knowing that you are never alone!
She thinks that by remembering and harnessing our ancestral wisdom, re-introducing the old ways of nature is the only way forth. Along with removing the self-imposed “masks” that are firmly in place in society, we can all start to work towards healing the earth via healing ourselves.
Executive Committee

Andrea Garcia
Meet Andrea

Jade Edward
Vice President
Meet Jade
Circling since 2014 in the Sydney area, Jade’s first experience at a Wild Women circle (held by Bree!) was a wonderful experience of being warmly welcomed, and held safely while sharing sacred space. This was life changing, and Jade was delighted to discover Red Tent Australia when the Sydney Northern Beaches Red Tent was opened. Over the following years, she was incredibly grateful and honoured to attend many Red Tent circles in Sydney, including the openings for Sydney Northern Beaches, Sydney Lower North Shore and Hornsby Red Tents.
She has many varied interests and hobbies, ranging from crochet and knitting, through sci-fi and fantasy, to technology and tarot. Her main inspirational influences include Brene Brown, Layla F. Saad, Jane Meredith, Yasmine Galenorn, and her mother, whose support, teaching, guidance, and experience continue to inspire Jade to be curious, compassionate, to always seek out her truth, and to practice vulnerability. Exploring nature based spirituality, ritual, and mysteries through the Reclaiming Tradition, Jade is on a personal journal to discover better ways of holding space, exploring light and shadow, and being in right relationship with herself, the community, and this beautiful planet.

Lauren Grifoni
Meet Lauren

Position Vacant – seeking applications!
View Position Description
If this is something you think you can do, please submit a Team Role Expression of Interest form!
While all members of the Executive Committee are responsible for managing the Association’s finances, the Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that financial transactions are properly recorded and reported on. Note: if the audited annual financial statements and associated documents are not lodged with the Chief Executive of the Office of Fair Trading as required under the Act, the Treasurer is liable to a penalty (as are the President and Secretary).
The Treasurer presents financial reports at Executive Committee meetings. It is important that these reports are easily understood by all of the Executive Committee members because the whole committee is responsible for keeping a check on the finances of the organisation.
There should be receipts for all money received, evidence that it has been banked, and available documentation for all money paid out.
While the Treasurer may not do all these daily duties personally, it is the responsibility of the Treasurer to ensure that good systems are in place to allow these tasks to be done efficiently and in a foolproof manner.
Other tasks of the Treasurer include:
- Making sure finances are well planned by preparing an Annual Budget and then regularly monitoring this budget to see that the organisation is staying within it.
- Making sure that the books are up to date and in order – this means that there is a proper record of all payments and money received, and that accounts are reconciled at least once a month.
- Taking reasonable steps to make sure that the organisation’s finances are arranged so as to prevent funds from being stolen or misused under a risk management policy
- Ensuring that the necessary information and account books are ready for an audit each year and that an audit takes place.
- Presenting the audited accounts at the Annual General Meeting.
- Delegating the specific tasks of preparing financial reports and maintaining the financial record-keeping system to a suitably skilled volunteer or a paid bookkeeper.

Emme Krystelle
Member at Large
Meet Emme
Additionally, Emme has trained as a Red Facilitator at two weekend trainings and is now completing the online component.
Emme has been on the national Red Tent Executive Committee for the first half of 2020.
She brings to the Executive Committee her being a representative of these roles and perspectives: member, volunteer, assistant, facilitator, executive committee member and also being from an often marginalised group in society with a desire to assist in enhancing inclusiveness for women of diverse backgrounds.

Yia Alias
Member at Large
Meet Yia
HearthGround is nestled in a beautiful valley at the Colo in the Northwest Hills of Sydney. This land is dedicated to sacred ceremony and community gatherings.
I pay my deep respects to the Original people of this area, the Darug, Darkinjung and Wiradjuri. We at HearthGround acknowledge the tragedy of the colonial invasion of these lands, and pay tribute to, and offer our respect to the oldest continuous culture in the world.
I am a Ceremony Woman, a Transpersonal Counsellor/Mentor, Artist, Writer and Women’s Mystery Teacher specialising in Healing through Ritual.
In my counselling/mentoring work I see myself as bearing witness and holding space for people to navigate through Life’s Thresholds. Walking through the beautiful bush, sitting, talking and holding space within embrace of nature enables people to integrate the past, heal the present and inspiration to embrace the future.
My deepest learnings have been gathered from living a rich Life full of diverse experiences and from the many years of sitting in circle and bearing witness to the rich wisdom and stories of women.
My inspirations have been guided by:
My Greek heritage that has a lineage of story tellers, healers and midwives; The community of extraordinary women I have had the privilege to be sharing this Earth walk with; Rudolf Steiner’s philosophies of Spiritual Science: Anthroposophy; The Buddhist Spiritual Practice of the White Tara; Indigenous teachings by Minmia Senior Wiradjurii Law/Lore woman; Jean Shinoda Bolen author of Goddesses in Every Woman; Miranda Gray’s work Understanding the Gifts of the Menstrual Cycle; My festival family, folks living creative lives, and my beautiful family of course; And my greatest inspiration, Mother Earth and her extraordinary bounty and Intelligence.
I studied at the College of Complementary Medicine and have Diplomas in Transpersonal Counselling and Shamanic Practice-Mask and Traditional Healing. I have membership with the Australian Counselling Association. Member number 9259. Level 2.
I have a long established counselling practice which started at Dural. This was home to the beautiful Women’s Shed, a converted old fruit picking shed dedicated to women’s sacred space which has birthed:
– The Hestia Heart Flowers Women’s Circle; – A weekly women’s circle spanning 13 years; – sacRed Tent; – Offering Ceremonies for Blessing Way, Menarche, Queen of the Harvest. – – – Seasonal circles; – Yearly mid winter Spiral Walk; – Journey with the Seven Greek Goddesses: a deep exploratory journey into feminine psychology, spirituality and women’s mysteries; – GirlStory: offering guidance and support for girls through the passage of puberty; – Crafting circles for women and girls.

Sal Lavallee
Member at Large
Meet Sal

Marcia Ruf
Member at Large
Meet Marcia
Marcia (mar-sea-uh AKA “Marc”) is a 4th generation San Franciscan and Silicon Valley native who has been fighting for peace, equality and social justice since her political awakenings during the Vietnam war – at the ripe old age of 7. She landed in Sydney in 2010 as a GFC refugee with five suitcases, two family members, a freshly awarded Juris Doctor degree and a skilled migrant permanent residency. Since then she has:
- been licensed as an NSW Solicitor and registered on the High Court rolls;
- obtained Australian citizenship;
- earned her Master of Research in Communications Policy form Macquarie University; and
- been repeatedly made redundant in the shifting legal industry.
Marcia recently obtained her first Patent in disruptive legal services (blockchain technology) and is now pursuing a Masters of Science in Agriculture (online) to meld her love of law and policy with her decades long activism for environmental sustainability and her passions to feed people and make things grow.
Despite the ingrained cynicism of her “Yank” birth and lawyer training, Marcia tenaciously holds on to her idealistic belief that humanity is its own best resource. She also firmly holds that Women are called to be both the midwives of our cultural re-birth and the Warriors who defend our future. When she is not engaged in passionate discourse she can be found providing legal advice to vulnerable people through her local Community Legal Centre, on the archery range, singing with River City Voices, in the garden with her dog, or in the kitchen feeding any number of stray humans she has acquired over the years.
“I am an Autistic empty-nester unemployed Solicitor Crone working on my third post-graduate degree. I got nothing but love, time, education – and rage.”
Management Team
Coming soon!
Organisation Chart
Red Tent Australia is looking for new team members!
Take a look at our Organisation Chart, and if you see a vacancy for something you think you’d be able to do,
or you just want to help however you can, please submit a Team Role Expression of Interest form!