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Welcome to the Melbourne CBD Tent!

Melbourne CBD Red Tent is opening on 3rd August 2020!

Facilitator: Andrea Garcia

1. What attracted you to Red Tent Australia?

After reading the books, RED TENT and RED MOON, I longed to be around other women like me, other women who shared a common life purpose, my tribe, my women supporting each other through all of lives stages. While waiting for Red Tent Australia to come to Melbourne, I took a women’s gathering course in Sydney which allowed me to start doing circles straight away while waiting for my next chapter to begin with Red Tent Australia.

2. What is your experience to date?

I come from a long line of powerfully intuitive women that expands across our ocean. My roots started in Chile, with a strong foundation in the land and plant spirits medicine by inheritance. Brought up and taught the importance of tribe and family, with a sprinkle of various modalities of my land of origins where intuitive training is a way of life and starts about 5 years of age. I do a massive list of energy work, some have been evolving other have come up as new gifts. I am the balance between shadow and light in all that I do, the torch in the night for lost souls to find their door and the ultimately come home into their heart.

3. What do you hope to bring to your community?

My intention is to assist in the practical application for the alchemy of ascension, through sacred teachings in the form of circles, by creating a safe space and to bring back sacred ancient teachings and practices

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