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Welcome to the Gold Coast South Tent!

Facilitator: Jada Dawson

1. What attracted you to Red Tent Australia?

For me, it was the sense of belonging, of coming home. I believe it is just as important now, as in the past for women to have a safe, supportive and loving space, where they are allowed and encouraged to truly BE themselves. I love that Red Tent is where women gather to share their stories, their dreams, and their goals. It is a space where all women are equal and valued for their unique presence. It is where women can come and know that they are truly welcomed. I love that the Red Tent is often filled with the Songs of Laughter, of knowing that they will be held when tears fall. For me, it is where women empower women to reach for the stars and are genuinely happy for you when you have achieved your goals.

2. What is your experience so far?

I have been on my spiritual path for quite some time now. I have facilitated women circles, such as New and Full Moon gatherings, Equinoxes and Solstices (the Passages of time). Additionally, I hold creative workshops such as Macramé, Jewellery, Painting and Vibration Boards. I have conducted Rites of Passage, such as Maiden (Menarche), Bridal Showers, Mother Blessings, Blessing Ways (Baby showers), Moonpause (Menopause) ceremonies. For me, it is such an honour to be asked to hold and celebrate these milestones of a woman’s life. I have studied and practiced many different modalities and I now combine the knowledge to co-create my offerings, with the underpinning core value of supporting women to find their Self-Love, Self-Worth, and Self-Acceptance. I am passionate about the issue of Self-Love, as such I hold women’s gatherings on the benefits of Self-love practices and Divine Feminine embodiment rituals.

3. What do you hope to bring to your community?

I hope to provide a safe and loving space for all women to gather to support and care for each other. Space where lifelong friendships are born and laughter abounds. Space where each woman is Seen, Heard and Valued for the unique individual that they are. I desire that my Red Tent will provide the space where daughters, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters can rekindle their connection to each other, learn from each other and celebrate the unique beauty of each other. We, women, play many roles in our busy lives, that often there is no time and/or place to take time out for ourselves, to breath and to reconnect with who we truly are. It is my belief that the red tent provides that space for women to do so. And the ripple on effect will be of benefit to themselves, their families, their communities and the world.



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