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Welcome to the Bargara Tent!

Facilitator: TJ


1. What attracted you to Red Tent Australia?

I have always been drawn to attend a women’s circle but never knew how to find one, particularly one that resonated with me. I had read the book Red Tent by Anita Diamant and thought I would google it to see if there was an organisation similar to the principles in the story. When I saw Red Tent Australia , and that they were holding Facilitator Training I put my hand up straight away, and now I am preparing to open the Bargara Red Tent!

2. What is your experience to date?

I don’t have any previous experience holding circles, it is all a steep learning curve for me. I have been quite spiritual since childhood, and am a very compassionate person with extensive life experience, and I believe these qualities to will help guide me to being a good facilitator for the ladies of the Bargara and Bundaberg Region.

3. What do you hope to bring to your community?

Through the Red Tent I hope to offer a safe space for women to sit in circle, share their stories and dreams, grow and assist women in being their authentic self. There are already amazing things happening in our town and district and I hope that the Red Tent will be another of those spaces and compliment the amazing events already happening. I feel very deeply that women need people who truly and deeply listen to them and each other, and can build each other up and have the support of their sisters.

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