Welcome to the Nepean Tent!

Facilitator: Chelsea
What is your experience to date?
I am a homeschooling Mum of two boys who are on the autism spectrum/ADHD. My wonderful Husband is a military man so we have the added enjoyment of travelling around our beautiful country, experiencing all that sparks our curiosity.
I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to follow a very open spiritual path from a young age which has enabled me to graduate from The School of Shamanic Womancraft, support families as an infant massage instructor, offer gentle yet profound healing with reiki and the receive the gift of holding space for Women in our Sacred Women’s Circles.
What do you hope to bring to your community?
Connect – Create – Community…. I feel so deeply that this is what the Feminine needs right now. For Women to gather in sacred space, to be heard, held and supported on their journey. For Women to know that they are strong, fierce, gentle and free. To have a safe place to come, let down their guard and know that they are loved and cared for just for being themselves. I am excited to welcome you to the Nepean Red Tent, Sister!