Welcome to the Maitland Red Tent!
Facilitator: Sally
1. What attracted you to Red Tent Australia?
I had previously attended Red Tents run by a friend and found they really helped me to get through a difficult time, and helped my healing greatly. It also helped me to have a sacred connection with my blood. After my friend moving away I found I was really missing the Red Tent and the healing it gave me, and the community of sisterhood. I really felt called to bring it back again. Then I met the lovely Mishele from Illawarra Red Tent who steered me in the right direction to Red Tent Australia facilitator training, and the rest is history!
2. What is your experience to date?
This will be my first time facilitating a women’s circle, but I have attended many women’s circles and several Red Tents, and am also undergoing training to be a Priestess of the Global Goddess, where we also meet in circle for our training.
3. What do you hope to bring to your community?
1. Sisterhood! Empowering women and maidens. Helping other women to have a sacred connection with their body and their blood. Holding space to help women heal, and create a beautiful community of sisterhood. Ritual and ceremony. Rites of passage.